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IntelliHealth Laser Acupuncture

At IntelliHealth+ we offer laser acupuncture treatment to treat patients who are suffering from acute and chronic pain, headaches, arthritis, and many more conditions which are listed below. Our laser acupuncture treatment is a great choice for patients who have not previously responded well to other treatments. It is a quick and pain-free approach to traditional acupuncture, and is non-invasive.

What is Laser Acupuncture?

Laser acupuncture is an alternative treatment to traditional acupuncture, which uses needles. It is a non-invasive approach to acupuncture that uses laser light to stimulate specific points on the body – the same as those targeted in traditional needle acupuncture – for the purpose of activating their functions and reaching deep layers of tissue.

Laser lights are attached to the body using medical grade adhesive tape and remain there throughout the duration of the treatment session. It is a painless treatment, and unlike, traditional acupuncture, the laser technology means stimulation is kept consistently high.

Laser acupuncture differs from other, surgical uses of lasers as it operates a low level of intensity. These low-level lasers help in the regeneration of cells, pain reduction, decreasing inflammation, and improvement of circulation. Patients receiving treatment generally do not feel any significant sensations from treatment and experience no adverse side effects.

Who is it for?

Laser acupuncture is used in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases and conditions. People experiencing the following conditions can benefit from laser acupuncture:

Benefits of Laser Acupuncture

Some of the many benefits of laser acupuncture include:

What to Expect

When you come to our clinic for treatment, our professional therapists will explain the process to you and guide you through.

  • You will be positioned in a relaxed position
  • Trigger points will be located
  • Acupuncture points will be located
  • Skin will be treated – oil is removed using alcohol cleanser, and hair is removed to reduce light reflection.
  • Device is chosen according to required depth of penetration
  • Device is applied

Laser acupuncture is a quick and painless treatment. The duration of treatment lasts only a few seconds on each trigger point, making it time effective.


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Part of SC21 Medical Group